Honest-1 Announces Additions to Executive Team

Sept. 3, 2015

Sept. 3, 2015—Honest-1 Auto Care has added three new members to its executive team—Eric Renninger, Braden Poole and Tom Miller.

With over 15 years of experience in government, commercial and environmental management, Renninger will serve as executive vice president. Poole will serve as vice president of operations, and Miller will lead the the development of the brand as director of franchise sales.

“Eric, Braden and Tom all bring a wealth of skills and experience in the auto care and franchising industries, which they’ve utilized to enhance the Honest-1 franchise model and grow the brand since they joined the team,” said Jack Keilt, CEO of Honest-1. “Our company is built on a tradition of excellence and a reputation of high-quality work, and they will further the Honest-1 vision.”

“This is a very exciting time for Honest-1’s executive team and for the company as a whole,” said Keilt. “We know that with the leadership and expertise of Eric, Braden and Tom that we’re in a great position for a robust period of growth and development for the Honest-1 brand.”

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