Bill Hermann Announced as Design Engineering’s VP of Operations

July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015—Design Engineering Inc. announced on Friday that Bill Hermann has joined the company as vice president of operations.

Hermann took his position in late June and will report directly to Design Engineering Inc. CEO David Markley.

Hermann has over 30 years of experience in industrial and chemical distribution and chemical and food manufacturing. He has spent most of his career within the supply chain procurement, logistics, forecasting, operations management and inventory control disciplines. Before joining Design Engineering Inc., he worked in various positions such as director of operations, supply chain manager, director of logistics, and supply chain/product manager.

“Design Engineering Inc. has been experiencing a solid pattern of growth for many years. After our facility expansion in 2012 we realized that there are process improvements that can be implemented to help us handle inventory, warehouse and shipping procedures more efficiently, as well as processes to better anticipate our forecasted increases in demand,” said Markely. “Bill has a broad experience set that makes him the ideal candidate for this position; especially in his ability to develop a solid team centered on the common goals.  We look forward to his contribution to the company and implementing new ideas that will help us better serve our customers.”

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