TIA Announces ATS Training Tour Date in Seattle

Feb. 27, 2015

Feb. 27, 2015—The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has announced a date for its Certified Automotive Training Service (ATS) Instructor Class to be held in Seattle. The course will run Oct. 13-16 at Green River Community College in Auburn, Wash.

The Certified ATS Instructor Program is a four-day, hands-on class that industry professionals successfully complete in order to return to the dealership(s) to train technicians to prepare them for certification. TIA has used the train-the-trainer approach to train and/or certify more than 93,000 technicians since 1997.

Certified ATS includes safety guidelines and step-by-step procedures for all aspects of passenger and light truck tire service including wheel installation with the proper torque and tire repair. It also includes a full day of instruction on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS), so technicians have a thorough understanding of the requirements for the most popular domestic and import vehicles.

To register, visit tireindustry.org.

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