Do You find yourself wondering “How can I improve my shop operations more and more? Or how will I be able to match the ever changing digital communication? How can I speak the same digital language as my customers?” You are not alone.
You feel that you have reached a level of excellence in your paper based process, and more investment in tools and staff might not yield the business results you were hoping for.
You are frustrated that there is a different software program for each new feature set and your service advisor is now asked to manage 5-8 different software programs at a time, sometimes more. Even worse, once the shop gets busy, your service advisor starts skipping advising service. The event driven nature of the hectic process increases the number of little mistakes technicians and service advisors make.
To make matters more challenging, motorists come to the shop pre-educated, with sometimes inaccurate information. Don’t you wish you could be their online educator so they visit your shop knowing that you have the best knowledge about their vehicles.
You have been looking for a solution, but nothing really fits your needs.
The Digital Shop takes your shop into a new era, which offers an experience, you wish you had offered all along, or as Scott Meyers, owner of Meyers’ AutoTech and subscriber to The Digital Shop said:
” You couldn’t pry the tablets out of my techs’ cold, dead hands.”
Our passionate AutoVitals staff has asked shop owners to be part of the implementation team and after 2 years, more than 6 Million Digital Inspections and even more Digital Work orders, we can confidently say that: ”The Digital Shop has changed our clients’ business, and more importantly, their outlook into the future.”
6 Solutions delivered by The Digital Shop
You, as shop owner, and especially if you are an absentee owner, finally have the ability to watch important KPIs in real-time from: the office, home, or while on vacation, and maintain full visibility. How exactly? Quickly identify pencil whipping technicians and other areas of improvement by staff members. Make the reports a topic for weekly shop huddles and determine as a team how to improve. Your new “teamwork meter”, indicates what service advisor-technician pairing works best as well as trends on KPIs. You become the head pilot of your business equipped with a dashboard simplified to only the right gauges, and this is available wherever you are.
AutoVitals is the only Apple certified Business Solution Provider in the Automotive Aftermarket, and we earned it! Trusted customer support, solid service delivery, and an exciting and revolutionary roadmap for future products. Thousands of shops have discovered an easier way to do business in The Digital Shop. They have signed up for individual products or the full suite as solutions for their business. These shops have accomplished unprecedented improvements in KPIs.
Their recipe for Success? The Digital Shop. How do they operate so efficiently in this new digital environment? Training. Or as Larry Erhard with AWS in Ventura/CA says:
"Learning from other shops, which have seen success, is always valuable."
We not only provide the product solution, we also talk you through every step of the way to getting there. We are conducting four types of training with hands-on- classes and onsite visits to make an immediate impact as soon as you finished the training. So much excitement has been sparked by The Digital Shop that veteran shop owners, who have been using our products for more than 18 months open their shops to you and conduct regular, one day training sessions to help you turn your shop paperless in just 12 days.
Take the leap, we’ve got you covered, - sign up at Take home a tablet and take your shop Digital.