Technician Find Releases Webinar on Implementing AI Tools in Auto Repair Shops
Technician Find has released a webinar on how auto repair shops can utilize artificial intelligence tools for their benefit, according to a recent press release.
Led by Technician Find Founder Chris Lawson, the session provides real life examples of how shops have used AI to improve their hiring process, grow their customer base, and streamline operations.
“At Technician Find, we've been using AI for nearly a year so that we could answer this question for our independent auto repair shop clients,” Lawson said. “In this first presentation, I show you real-world examples of what's working. This is NOT theory.”
In particular, the webinar will delve into AI tools and platforms that have proven to be useful for shops, including Claude.AI, ChatGPT, Gamma.APP, Notebooklm.Google, and Perplexity.AI.
Lawson will then go over how shops can go about implementing these tools into their existing workflows, and use it to optimize areas such as marketing efforts and talent acquisition.
Titled “Is AI the Missing Tool in Your Auto Repair Shop?,” the webinar is available for viewing on YouTube, as well as the Technician Find Independent Auto Repair Shop Owner's Community, with the latter also including presentation notes and links available for download.
“The automotive repair industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution, and AI is at the forefront of this transformation,” shared Lawson. “We are thrilled to share our knowledge and experience with the community, empowering shop owners to harness the power of AI and take their businesses to new heights.”