Nissan Looking to Eliminate Thousands of U.S. Factory Worker Positions

Jan. 29, 2025
If Nissan moves forward with the cuts, there would be a 25% decrease in its production capacity across two U.S. factories.

Nissan is looking to eliminate nearly 2,000 U.S. factory worker positions as it seeks to cut production costs, according to The Drive.

Plants in Smyrna, Tennessee, and Canton, Mississippi, would see their active production lines be reduced from four to two. It’s expected that the Smyrna plant would be affected first—likely sometime after April. The Canton plant is more likely to be impacted after fall.

The Smyrna factory produces the Murano, Pathfinder, Rogue, and Infiniti QX60, while the Altima and Frontier are produced in Canton. The factories have a combined production capacity of approximately 1 million units. If Nissan moves forward with the cuts, that capacity would see a 25% decrease.

Nissan North America’s VP of Communications Brian Brockman said that no decisions have yet been finalized, but it would track with the company’s recent decision to cut 9,000 jobs globally, with 70% being in production, bringing a 20% decrease in its global production capacity.

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