Customer Cars Vandalized While Held Outside Ohio Repair Shop

Aug. 28, 2024
GT Auto Repair is reeling from thousands in damage done to customers' cars over the weekend, and is on the lookout for who committed the vandalism.

A Toledo, Ohio repair shop was the target of seemingly random vandalism this past weekend, reports 13 Action News.

GT Auto Repair, located on South Reynolds Road, was visited by a group on Sunday who were caught on security footage throwing rocks at and kicking several vehicles.

By the time they were done, the windows on more than a dozen cars were destroyed. The shop’s general manager, Mike Qublawe, is at a loss for why someone would have done it.

“We don’t have beef with anybody,” said Qublawe.

The entire ordeal has backed up the shop and caused strife for both its customers and the business.

Now, Qublawe has had to call customers to let them know of what happened. It could cost thousands, and the shop’s business insurance won’t cover the incident. One customer—a financially struggling mother—broke out in tears when Qublawe broke the news to her.

On top of this, another shop Qublawe manages, Crissey Auto Auction, has also been seeing similar incidents lately. Now, Qublawe is determined to find out who committed the crime, and wants them to pay for the damage they caused.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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