Electric Vehicle Career Center Proposed by California Lawmaker

Aug. 26, 2024
The proposal would establish an EV opportunity zone, with training and education programs for EV technicians, engineers, and charging station techs.

A California state representative is pushing for a bill that would bring a training facility for EV technicians and engineers to the state’s Riverside County, reports CalMatters.

Assemblymember Corey Jackson’s bill would establish an electric vehicle opportunity zone, with training and education programs for technicians who maintain EVs, electricians and welders who create charging stations, and software developers.

The bill would also provide business loans, tax credits, and grants to EV manufacturers, and will increase the number of students in internships and apprenticeships. Both of these factors could lead to more EV manufacturers entering the area, said Riverside Community College District Trustee Keri Then.

“We’re trying to mimic what California did for Tesla, to get other people in the game,” said Jackson. “And to make sure those resources are centered in lower income and middle class communities, not just Silicon Valley or large urban areas.”

With many automotive students in the area commuting several hours—or leaving the region altogether—to find adequate work, the EV opportunity zone will help keep them in Riverside County, Jackson added.

The bill already passed the Assembly in May, and made it past the Senate appropriations committee last week—now, it must gain final approval in the Legislature before Aug. 31 before it can be signed into law.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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