ASE Webinar to Provide Updates on Low-Voltage Battery Trends

Feb. 16, 2024
Jim Wilson of ATech Training will lead this education session.

The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) will be holding a Feb. 20 webinar covering recent trends in low-voltage batteries, according to a press release.

Titled “Keep The Current Flowing - Low Voltage Battery Trends and Service Updates,” the webinar will address the specific needs of low-voltage batteries commonly seen in modern vehicles, and how older inspection and service procedures can sometimes be inadequate in working with these newer battery management systems.

Jim Wilson of ATech Training will provide attendees with up-to-date information on battery identification, inspection, service, and replacement, along with an overview of recent battery trends.

Those who attend the live session will receive a certificate of attendance afterward. Anyone unable to watch it live is still encouraged to register to obtain a recorded session, if available.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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