Advance Auto Parts Names Executive VP and CFO

Nov. 16, 2023
The company announced Ryan Grimsland as its executive vice president and chief financial officer.

Advance Auto Parts has announced Ryan Grimsland as its executive vice president and chief financial officer, according to a press release.

Grimsland will officially fill the roles as of Nov. 27, 2023. He will be relieving Tony Iskander from his position as interim chief financial officer, which he has held since this past August. Iskander will continue his position as senior vice president of finance and treasurer.

At the age of 46, Grimsland has acquired over 20 years of experience in corporate finance, treasury, financial planning, and retail strategy and transformation. His most recent position was a 17-year career with Lowe’s Companies, Inc. as the senior vice president of strategy and transformation. 

Throughout his time at Lowe’s, Grimsland held a variety of leadership roles related to finance organization, such as senior vice president of corporate finance and treasurer; vice president of corporate financial planning and analysis; and vice president of stores finance.

Additionally, Advance Auto Parts has decided to eliminate the position of executive vice president of merchandising, marketing and e-commerce. 

This role is currently filled by Jason McDonell, who consequently will be leaving the company as of Dec. 1, 2023. In a statement from company President and CEO Shane O’Kelly, McDonell is credited with helping launch Advance SameDay delivery as well as its DieHard brand.

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