Steer by Mechanic Advisor Partners with Pit Crew Marketing

June 8, 2023
Shops can now retain customers and boost retention through reward programs.

Customer relationship management platform Steer by Mechanic Advisor announced its partnership with Pit Crew Marketing, provider of a robust reward and retention program designed to drive customer loyalty and repeat business.

The partnership allies two compatible businesses that will offer auto repair shops the ability to engage and grow customers through the Steer by Mechanic Advisor system while providing incentives like Pit Crew's eWardMe Auto Shop Rewards Program.

“We are incredibly excited to be partnered with a great company like Pit Crew Marketing, ” says Parker Swift, CEO of Steer and Mechanic Advisor, “The combination of Steer's CRM capabilities and Pit Crew Marketing's rewards program will revolutionize how our customers interact with their clients. We're confident this collaboration will lead to increased customer loyalty, improved retention, and together, making our customers more successful.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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