Advance Auto Parts Donates Steering Wheel Locks

April 24, 2023
Advance Auto Parts partnered with the Denver Police Department to donate 200 steering wheel locks to Colorado drivers to prevent vehicle theft.

Advance Auto Parts partnered with the Denver Police Department to donate 200 steering wheel locks to Colorado drivers to prevent vehicle theft, according to a press release.

Advance Auto Parts donated 200 of “The Club” steering wheel lock devices. Four different Advance Auto Parts locations received 50 locks each, which were donated on April 20 and April 22 while supplies lasted.

The Denver police and volunteers will also be at the event to offer information on the city’s auto theft prevention measures. The police department encouraged owners of vehicle models that are particularly vulnerable to theft to attend the donation event.

“Crime prevention is a partnership, which is demonstrated here through the generosity of Advance Auto Parts,” Denver Police Chief Thomas stated. 

Advance Auto Parts has previously donated 200 $25 gift cards for officers to give drivers in order to encourage maintenance on things like “vehicle headlights, taillights, or other minor vehicle safety issues.”

"Our local Advance team is proud to partner with Denver Police to play a role in curbing auto thefts,” said Advance’s District Manager Michael Vigil. “We’re hopeful that this giveaway makes a real impact to motorists while preventing crime in our community."

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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