EV Adoption Up, But Divided Along Political Lines

Sept. 11, 2023
"Blue" states continue to lead the nation in EV adoption as "red" states lag behind and decline.

A new J.D. Power survey indicates that U.S. EV adoption continues to rise by state as EV sales represent 8.5% of new car sales through August.

States with the highest EV adoption include California, Washington, Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada, Maryland, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Massachusetts. 

States with the lowest EV adoption include—Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Wyoming, Louisiana, South Dakota, West Virginia, and North Dakota.

The study, according to Green Car Reports, indicated that EV adoption is low in “red” states while sales in “blue” states were 75% of EV sales.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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