Automotive Lift Institute Unveils New Inspection Process

Feb. 26, 2021
The standard requires that all vehicle lifts be inspected by a qualified lift inspector at least annually.

Feb. 26, 2021—The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) has developed a new lift inspection process, the organization announced in a press release. 

Known as the “Check 360 Certified Lift Inspection,” the process involves a comprehensive examination of lift structure and its electrical and mechanical components. It also includes a review or training logs, operating instructions and safety materials. 

The standard requires that all vehicle lifts be inspected by a qualified lift inspector at least annually and provides extensive guidance on what must be inspected.

"As the ALI Lift Inspector Certification Program has grown, we've seen an increasing number of inspection companies offer multiple tiers of inspection and apply misleading inspection labels to lifts inspected outside of our program parameters," ALI president R.W. "Bob" O'Gorman said in a statement. "To make it easier for customers to have confidence that they're getting what they paid for – an inspection that meets all the requirements of the national safety standard – we developed a new lift inspection process customers can ask for by name and a new lift inspection label that's harder to counterfeit. Check360 is the only lift inspection backed by ALI, the organization that's been protecting lift operators for more than 75 years."

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