Minnesota High School Adds Automotive Training Facility

March 8, 2021
The facility will cost an estimated $3.9 million and will include a 900-square-foot classroom.

March 8, 2021—A Minnesota high school has plans to add a 10,300-square-foot automotive repair facility to support the school’s trades program, the Sun Sailor reported.  

Minnetonka High School, located northwest of Minneapolis, Minn., will begin construction on the project this spring. The facility will provide hands-on learning space for students to explore pathways in automotive, engineering, manufacturing, architecture, and construction-focused careers.

The facility will cost an estimated $3.9 million and will include a 900-square-foot classroom. It will have the capacity to service six cars at a time. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. 

“One of the top requests was for automotive, and so that really drove that decision making,” Minnetonka High School Principal Jeff Erickson told the publication. “The kids are excited. I think they know that we’re valuing all the opportunities that the school has and this Momentum space really allows for that.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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