Mobile Repair Business Opens In Kentucky

April 12, 2021
Owned and operated by Todd O’Flynn, On My Way is the only mobile auto repair company in the area.

April 12, 2021—A mobile repair service, On My Way, has launched in Kentucky, the Owensboro Times reported. 

Owned and operated by Todd O’Flynn, On My Way is the only mobile auto repair company in the area, the report said. 

O’Flynn quit his longtime job in March to run the company full-time. He averages three repairs a day. O’Flynn has 20 years of experience in the repair industry and is doing pretty much any type of repair or maintenance other than transmission replacements and engine swaps. 

“I’ve always wanted my own shop since I started ranching at a young age,” O’Flynn told the publication. “I don’t have a yard big enough to build a shop, but I saw on YouTube about mobile mechanics in larger cities like St. Louis and New York. That kind of work is really booming right now.” 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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