Urban Autocare Acquires Fourth Location

April 13, 2021
It is the third acquisition the company has made in the last 22 months

April 13, 2021—Colorado-based Urban Autocare has acquired Comprehensive Car Care, the company announced in a press release. 

The acquisition, which officially closed in February, will be Urban Autocare’s fourth location and is the third acquisition the company has made in the last 22 months. The company has a goal of adding three more locations in the next three years. 

“This allows us to increase our reach in the greater Denver Metro area and begin to achieve economies of scale not previously available,” said Brian Sump, president of Urban Autocare and sister company Avalon Motorsports.  

The 2,470-square-foot location has five bays and previously specialized in Toyota, Subaru and Honda repairs. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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