Lyft Offering Mobile Repair

April 23, 2021
The company now offers diagnostic work and completes oil changes, windshield repair, tire rotation and spark plug and brake work.

April 23, 2021—Lyft, the popular ride-sharing service, is launching mobile auto repair services in Houston.

A Houston Chronicle report detailed the announcement, citing the plummeting revenues due to COVID-19 as a reason for the expansion. Lyft users can access the service through the Lyft app.

The company offers diagnostic work on engines, sensors, ignition and belts. It also completes oil changes, windshield repair, tire rotation and spark plug and brake work. 

“Going through the process of getting repairs can be frustrating and time-consuming, which is why we began offering these services to drivers on the Lyft platform,” Max Loosen, regional director for Lyft in Texas, said in a press release. “We’re happy to be providing these same, top-notch services to our rider community, as well.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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