Facepay Joins ATI's Preferred Vendor Program

May 6, 2021
The payment platform enables business owners to reduce the costs associated with credit card processing fees.

May 6, 2021—Facepay has announced a corporate partnership with the Automotive Training Institute (ATI). 

According to a press release, Facepay has been accepted into ATI’s Preferred Vendor program, through which ATI shops receive “member’s only” services and special pricing.

“Facepay’s mission is to help businesses be more successful by helping them increase profits. Shop owners who participate in the ATI program have already demonstrated that they understand the value of profit back into the company to contribute directly to their bottom line. I feel privileged to be able to serve this amazing group of businessmen and women to help them be even more successful. There is a great deal of synergy in this partnership,” Facepay’s chief revenue officer Todd Westerlund said in a statement. 

Facepay is offering subscriptions to ATI shops at no charge for the first 30 days. Westerlund will also be giving away $10,000 at ATI’s Annual Super Conference in Amelia Island, Fla. later this week. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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