BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY Partners With TransNational Payments

May 10, 2021
The partnership will allow vehicle owners to utilize more advanced payment methods for services rendered.

May 10, 2021—BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY has partnered with TransNational Payments, a merchant payment solution, to provide auto repair and maintenance shops with an integrated payment platform.

According to the press release, the partnership will allow vehicle owners the ability to utilize more advanced payment methods for services rendered.

“We’re thrilled to add TransNational as a payment processing partner for Text to Pay and credit card processing, as shops can benefit from their commitment to customer service  and air-tight data security, while offering a service that’s growing in popularity among  vehicle owners,” Michael Risich, founder, CEO of BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY, said in a statement. “This is one more reason for shops to go all-in on mobile payments.” 

The solution will “work seamlessly” with products like Mitchell1 and ALLDATA, the release states. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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