GB Auto Undergoes Rebrand

June 9, 2021
More than 200 stores will be affected by the shift, which the company hopes will strategically align with long-term expansion plans.

June 9, 2021—GB Auto Service, which operates more than 200 stores in the US, is rebranding to Sun Auto Tire & Service, according to a press release. 

“Recent acquisitions brought us to a critical growth point that enables our unified leadership structure to capitalize on across-the-board efficiencies,” Sun Auto Tire & Service CEO Frank Kneller said in a statement. “Over the past several years we’ve carefully crafted a strong portfolio of automotive service brands that are recognized and trusted leaders in their respective markets. From a big-picture perspective, the Sun brand enjoys a strong leadership position across several of our regions. It made sense for us to adopt it in order to capitalize on the brand’s strength, as a foundational element of our continued growth path.”

The change “more strategically aligns it with long-term expansion plans,” the press release states. Kneller was recently interviewed for the Ratchet+Wrench Interview Series, where he discussed the company’s growth, expanding into tire sales and the technician shortage. Click here to watch. 

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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