Study: Nearly One-Third of Drivers Lag on Tire Maintenance

June 29, 2021
While the majority of drivers report owning a tire jack, 28 percent either can't change or have never rotated their tires.

June 29, 2021—According to the Hankook Tire Gauge Index, a recent survey conducted by Hankook Tire America Corp., 28 percent of American drivers admit they either can't change a tire or never rotate their tires. 

The Index also found that, of those surveyed, millennials were most likely to know how to change a tire and almost two-thirds of respondents own a tire jack. Two out of every three drivers of any age also reported owning a tire jack, making the tool one of the top three drivers are most likely to own (with tire pressure gauges and jumper cables claiming the top spots).

The Index, which surveyed Americans' attitudes and opinions about driving, polled 1,021 randomly selected Americans over the age of 18 with a valid driver's license. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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