Blind Student Working Towards Mechanic Dream

July 6, 2021
Mayville has been blind since the age of seven. He uses his senses of sound and touch to navigate the tools and equipment and to make repairs.

July 6, 2021—A 16-year-old blind student is working towards his dream of becoming a diesel mechanic, News10 reported. 

Jeremy Mayville, an Albany, N.Y. student at Cohoes High School is taking classes at a local technical school to work towards becoming a mechanic and following in the footsteps of his grandparents who are in the trade.

“Jeremy is one of our scholars,” Shelette Pleat, Principal at Capital Region BOCES Albany CTE campus told the outlet. “He gets us very excited because one of the first things we get to see is him bend all the rules and show that he can do whatever he puts his mind to.”

Mayville has been blind since the age of seven. He uses his senses of sound and touch to navigate the tools and equipment and to make repairs. 

“Everything is in a tight spot, so you can’t really see it anyway,” said Mayville, who has a dream of owning his own shop. “You have to feel for everything.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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