WrenchWay Adds New Way to Find Technicians

July 26, 2021
Reverse Job Posts hopes to make the job search process easier in the midst of a growing technician shortage.

July 26, 2021—A new way for repair shops to search for technicians has emerged, according to a press release. 

WrenchWay has announced the release of Reverse Job Posts, which will compile a database of technicians looking for work and will include questionnaire answers from the technician about their skill set and what they’re looking for in a shop. 

Shops can then browse through posts in their area, and reach out to technicians they’re interested in. Technicians’ identities and contact information are not included in the posts and remain hidden while they message back and forth. 

“Our hope is by making the job search process easier for technicians, they will be more likely to find a shop that is a good fit for them, and they will, ultimately, stay working in the industry,” Mark Wilson, co-founder and CEO of WrenchWay, said in a statement. “We can’t eliminate the technician shortage overnight, but we can put solutions in place to start improving the state of the industry, and that’s exactly what our mission is at WrenchWay.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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