Pep Boys Announces Winners of $100K Scholarship Program

Aug. 3, 2021
The annual scholarship program is part of Pep Boys’ “Race to 2026” initiative that aims to increase the number of trained technicians.

Aug. 3, 2021一Pep Boys has announced the 15 recipients of its annual $100,000 scholarship program. 

Of the 15 scholarships, five were awarded to students in major metro areas. Each student will receive a $10,000 scholarship for the 2021-22 academic year. The remaining 10 scholarships were awarded to students in other areas of the country. Each of those students received $5,000. 

“For 100 years, Pep Boys has supported the technicians who keep America moving,” CEO Brian Kaner said in a statement. “This year’s Find Your Drive scholarship program is another example of how we are preparing Pep Boys to serve the drivers of the future. Our industry thrives when we have talented technicians in the service bays, and we’re excited to celebrate these 15 students who are truly excelling in the field.”

The annual scholarship program is part of Pep Boys’ “Race to 2026” initiative that aims to increase the number of trained technicians to help fill an industry-wide talent gap.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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