Senate Passes Infrastructure Bill

Aug. 11, 2021
The legislation would create a monumental shift for electric cars with the creation of a national EV charging network.

Aug. 11, 2021—The U.S. Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act, better known as the bipartisan infrastructure bill, on Tuesday, CNET reported.

The bill would allocate $1.2 trillion on physical infrastructure, climate change and more. For the auto industry, this legislation would create a monumental shift for electric cars with the creation of a national EV charging network. It passed by a 69-30 vote. It will head to the House of Representative before going to President Joe Biden to sign into law. 

The bill includes $7.5 billion to create charging stations all across the US, which would inevitably help spur EV adoption in the country, the report stated.

In addition, the bill includes another $7.5 billion to transition buses and other public transportation away from fossil fuels and to zero-emission options. Further, $66 billion goes to Amtrak to fund a backlog of repairs, and to help expand routes across the country.  

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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