Catalytic Converter Thief Gets Pinned Under Vehicle

Aug. 25, 2021

The man was attempting to saw off the catalytic converter of a Hyundai Accent before the floor jack gave out.

Aug. 25, 2021—A man was pinned under a car last week while attempting to steal a catalytic converter, the San Diego Reader reported. 

The man was attempting to saw off a catalytic converter of a Hyundai Accent before the floor jack gave out and the vehicle collapsed on him. A local resident found the man and alerted the fire department, who were able to remove the man from the scene while he was still conscious. 

No update was given on the man. In June, a man died attempting to steal a catalytic converter from a car parked at an auto shop in Seattle.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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