Sun Auto Expands to New Market

Sept. 21, 2021

Mainly operating along the west coast, Sun Auto's latest acquisition signals a shift to a nationwide MSO. 

Sept. 21, 2021—Sun Auto Tire and Service has acquired Hogan and Sons, a Virginia-based auto repair business with seven locations. 

The seven stores based in Northern Virginia mark the first East Coast operations in Sun Auto & Tire’s portfolio. 

“Expanding our existing footprint and broadening our services, especially in a strong market, is fundamental to how we define our success at Sun Auto. Until now, our portfolio has traversed across multiple states in the South and Southwest, but the East Coast, specifically the Northern Virginia area, is the ideal market to introduce Sun Auto as the leading provider of quality aftermarket automotive repair, maintenance and tire services across the United States,” Tony Puckett, CEO of Sun Auto said in a statement. 

This acquisition increases Sun Auto Service operations to 214 tire and service stores across Virginia, Texas, Arizona, California, Oklahoma and Nevada.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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