Christian Brothers Changes Top Leadership

Oct. 4, 2021

Founder and CEO Mark Carr has retired. 

Oct. 4, 2021—Christian Brothers Automotive has announced the retirement of founder and CEO Mark Carr and the appointment of his son, Donnie , to the role. 

Mark founded the company in 1982 and has oversaw the company’s growth from one location to more than 240. 

Donnie has served the company in leadership roles for more than a decade, most recently as president, which he will continue to serve as in addition to CEO. 

“Donnie brings the leadership qualities that Christian Brothers Automotive needs as it enters its next phase in business. He is a visionary who sets compelling goals that are quickly embraced by the home office team and franchisees, and he does so with humility and intense personal accountability,” Mark said in a statement. “After witnessing Donnie launch major profit-focused initiatives as he took on new leadership roles over the past 14 years, I have no doubt that his innovative mindset will steer CBA to new heights.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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