Tesla Moving Headquarters to Texas From California

Oct. 11, 2021

Musk had a rocky relationship at times with California and had previously threatened to move Tesla headquarters.

Oct. 11, 2021—Tesla is moving its headquarters from Palo Alto, Calif. to Austin Texas, Reuters reported. 

“I'm excited to announce that we're moving our headquarters to Austin, Texas," Musk told the company's annual meeting, held in the Texas car factory. 

"This is not a matter of, sort of, Tesla leaving California," he said, saying it plans to increase output from its main California factory and Nevada factory by 50%.

Musk had a rocky relationship at times with California, threatening to move Tesla headquarters and future programs to Texas during a row over the closure of Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California due to COVID-19, for instance.

Tesla’s new car and battery manufacturing complex is also located in Austin. 

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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