ASE Introduces Adopt-A-School Program

Oct. 29, 2021

The program enables businesses to provide support to local schools while simultaneously providing those businesses with access to up-and-coming service professionals entering the workforce.

Oct. 29, 2021—The ASE Education Foundation has introduced a new Adopt-A-School program, according to a press release. 

The program enables businesses to provide support to local schools while simultaneously providing those businesses with access to up-and-coming service professionals entering the workforce.

“Our Adopt-A-School program is a new avenue to help increase the number of service professionals entering the industry while at the same time providing businesses with the opportunity to connect with and help train the next generation of service technicians,” Mike Coley, ASE Education Foundation president, said in a statement. “Schools need partners from the industry to provide advice and guidance, demonstrate career opportunities for their students, and help those students get the hands-on experience that will grow their skills and encourage them to stick with an automotive career.”

The ASE Education Foundation has created a landing page, which explains the Adopt-A-School concept and allows users to link to the free online toolkit which can help businesses launch and maintain partnerships with schools. The toolkit provides information about connecting with students, supporting a school’s training program and educators, and putting students to work in the industry while they are still in school. A downloadable brochure is also available to provide pertinent information and help employers recognize the value of these partnerships.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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