MI Schools Get $29K Grant for Automotive Program

April 7, 2022

Michigan-based Allen Park Public School system was awarded a $29,000 grant for its automotive program. 

April 7, 2022—The Allen Park Public School system in Michigan runs an Automotive Service Excellence certified automotive program that its students are extremely invested in. It boasts full enrollment each school year. That investment is paying offliterallywith a $29,000 grant awarded to the program from the Margaret Dunning Foundation. 

According to The News-Herald, this grant will fund the purchase of a Hunter Engineering WinAlign Package, a piece of equipment that will fit in nicely with their lift which was made possible by a sizable grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation during the 2019-20 school year. 

Dunning lived to be 104 and was a businesswoman, philanthropist, and classic car enthusiast. It is funding from her foundation that allows Allen Park students to have access to train on technology that is used by many repair shops, giving them applicable experience and essentially making them immediately employable once they graduate. 

"The funding provided through this grant will allow APPS to offer a program that will prepare students for post-high school opportunities," School Superintendent Michael Darga said to The News-Herald. "While helping to meet the growing shortage of skilled workers in the automotive industry." 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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