Washington Man Buys $13K Lemon from Dealership

May 31, 2022

With used car prices at all-time highs, a Washington man discovers the downside of buying from a used auto dealership days after getting his car.

May 31, 2022—A Washington man discovered the downside of buying an overpriced used car in the current market.

Justin Baas spent over $13,000 on a 2012 Ford Taurus from a dealership only to have his mechanic tell him he needs $4,000 in repairs. 

“Well, the entire underside is covered in rust,” Baas told KIRO 7 News.

When Baas complained to the dealership, the salesperson reminded him that he had no warranty rights and the car was sold to him ‘as is’, and that he was responsible for his own repairs.

In Washington, dealers have what is called an implied warranty which states that cars sold to consumers at a fair market price and are fit for ordinary, safe driving and are without major defects. Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said such warranties are to be negotiated at the point of sale, which Baas said didn’t happen in his case. 

Mo Aliabady, owner of South Tacoma Auto, said he had nothing to do with the sale, but that the law’s ambiguity means this car breaks down after purchase, it’s the buyer’s problem, not his. He argued that the state needs to fix the law if it finds it problematic.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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