Employee Purchases Iowa Shop

Sept. 1, 2022

Jim Hennessy has worked for McMillan Muffler for 21 years, and earlier this year he purchased the business from its long-time owner Mike McMillan. 

Sept. 1, 2022—An employee has purchased an automotive repair shop in Iowa that he has worked at for years. 

According to The Waukon Standard, Jim Hennessy has worked for McMillan Muffler for 21 years. Earlier this year, Hennessy purchased the repair shop from its former owner, Mike McMillan. 

McMillan bought McMillan Oil Company from his father in 1989. He expanded the business in the 1990s and built the structure that McMillan Muffler lives in today. Mike McMillan has spent five decades with the business. 

McMillan will stay on the shop staff until he retires under Hennessy's ownership. Hennessy and his wife Katie have ownership in Hennessy and Sons Towing in addition to the shop.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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