Ford CEO Commits to ICEs, Calls All-Electric Future Approach ‘Monolithic’

Sept. 19, 2022

John Farley, CEO of Ford, says the automaker will continue to produce ICEs despite the company's high EV investment. 

Sept. 19, 2022—Ford CEO John Farley said his company would not go full electric like some automakers, reported Fox Business

Despite investing over $50 billion in Ford’s electric lineup, Farley said he’s betting on future internal combustion engine (ICE) models like the 2024 Ford Mustang and soon-to-be-released F-Series Super Duty pickups. 

"We’re investing in ICE segments where we’re dominant and where we think, as competitors leave the segments, we can actually grow," Farley said.  

While General Motors and Volkswagen have supported the Biden Administration’s desire for an all-electric future. Ford will leave the decision to consumers. 

"I find it intriguing that we’re portraying the future of our industry as monolithic. That’s not how it goes. That’s not how it’s going to manifest itself." 

On California’s decision to go zero-emissions by 2035 and discontinue the sale of ICEs, Farley said: "If they’re not able to be sold in California, so be it, but there are plenty of other places to drive a Mustang in the United States." 

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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