Kia Cars Catch Fire, Company Takes Steps

March 13, 2019
The company said in a statement that Kia has taken proactive steps to address an engine manufacturing issue that can, in rare instances, result in a non-collision fire.

March 13, 2019—Consumers are witnessing their vehicles catch fire spontaneously, reported The Detroit Free Press.

The company said in a statement that Kia has taken proactive steps to address an engine manufacturing issue that can, in rare instances, result in a non-collision fire, including the recall of more than 680,000 vehicles, and is committed to taking any necessary actions in a timely manner.

But a consumer advocacy group wants a total 2.9 million Kias and Hyundais recalled including the 2011-14 Kia Sorento, Kia Optima, Hyundai Sonata and Hyundai Santa Fe; and 2010-15 Kia Soul.

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