TitleTec Partners with NIADA

July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015—TitleTec announced today that it has partnered with the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) as a National Member Benefit Partner. This partnership will help streamline the out-of-state titling process for NIADA’s 16,000 members and the more than 38,000 licensed used car dealers in the U.S.

In a statement, the organization said the partnership represents a major step forward for independent automobile dealers who are struggling with the complexities surrounding the title and registration process for out-of-state customers. In the past, automobile dealers that served out-of-state customers had to navigate through the intricacies of 50 independent state DMVs which made the out-of-state title and registration process incredibly difficult.

“With the immense growth in remote consumer-to-dealer retail transactions, we needed to secure best-in-class, high quality and innovative online vehicle title/registration resources for our member dealers as they expand their geographic marketplaces,”  said Scott Lilja, NIADA senior vice president of member services. “TitleTec brings the necessary tools, market expertise and state-of-the-art technology to meet and exceed our member needs in this area.”

TitleTec is a web-based solution that generates the fees, taxes and state forms for all 50 states, providing a streamlined workflow for dealership titling departments. TitleTec Nationwide saves time for staff and allows customers the most efficient service possible.

“This solution was created because many of our electronic titling customers were seeking a way to ease the pain of the out-of-state titling process,” said Daniel Burgess, managing director of TitleTec. “With TitleTec Nationwide, we’ve responded to that demand and provided a solution that allows dealership titling departments to serve out-of-state car buyers with speed and accuracy.”

To learn more about TitleTec, visit its website.

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