Autoliv to Launch Intelligent Vehicle System

Dec. 20, 2016

Autoliv Inc., an automotive safety system company, announced it will launch a learning, intelligent vehicle (LIV) system.

Dec. 20, 2016—Autoliv Inc., an automotive safety system company, announced it will launch a learning, intelligent vehicle (LIV) system.

The system will facilitate collaboration and shared control between driver and vehicle. The LIV-system will be demonstrated at CES in Las Vegas on Jan. 4.

The first version of LIV, and coming versions will incorporate on and off-line machine learning, utilizing a wide array of data sources and developing an individual relationship to the driver.

“With this research platform, Autoliv Research aims to solve what truly proactive safety is all about,” said Ola Bostrom, vice president research at Autoliv. “With LIV, we have found a way to combine our history of saving lives and our leading technology within active safety to accelerate the safe development of automated vehicles.”

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