Federated Raises Record Amount for Toys for Tots

Dec. 22, 2016

Dec. 22, 2016—After raising a record $350,000 this year for the U.S. Marine Corps. Reserve Toys for Tots campaign, Federated Auto Parts is making a final push to raise that total even higher.  

“When people think of Toys for Tots, the holidays often come to mind, but at Federated, the Toys for Tots campaign has become a year-round program,” said John Marcum, director of marketing, Federated Auto Parts. “We have conducted fund-raising events throughout the year and, because of the generous supports of our members and vendors, we have raised over $350,000 for Toys for Tots and we’re not done yet.”

Participating Federated members are collecting donations and toys at their store locations. In addition, financial, contributions can be made online by visiting the Federated Auto Parts website.

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