OEC Named Center of Excellence

March 29, 2017

March 29, 2017—OEConnection LLC has been certified as a Center of Excellence by BenchmarkPortal for the ninth year. The Center of Excellence Award recognizes quality and cost efficiency of contact centers throughout North America by evaluating their key metrics against industry peers.

The Center of Excellence designated is awarded to customer service call centers that rank in the top ten percent of call centers surveyed.

“Our customer support functions continue to differentiate OEC from other software providers in the automotive technology space and strive to make our customers more successful. Receiving this certification for nine years is quite an achievement,” said Paul Johnson, OEC EVP & chief customer officer.

“We certified OEC’s customer care operations as a Center of Excellence after evaluating the company’s effectiveness and efficiency in interacting with their customers,” said Bruce Belfiore, CEO of BenchmarkPortal. “We applaud their commitment to superior customer service,” Belfiore added.

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