TIA, Car Care Council Announce Partnership

April 4, 2017

April 4 , 2017—The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has announced its partnership with Car Care Council during this month’s National Car Care Month. TIA will focus on a social media campaign that will highlight important tire safety and education tips throughout the month.

Throughout the month of April, TIA will provide key safety tips that will educate any driver in the following areas:

  • No Coins - Easy, accurate, and quick check of your tires tread depth without a coin
  • Don't Ignore the Light - Understanding the importance of your TPMS
  • (Tire Pressuring Monitoring System)
  • Prevent A Blowout - Locating a tire bulge and its hazardous impact on your driving
  • Air Pressure Check - Knowing how and how often to self-check the condition of your tires

The social media campaign will run for the entire month of April. Follow the conversation on twitter: @TheTireIndustry, @CarCareCouncil, #TireSafety, #NationalCarCareMonth

“We are excited to join Car Care Council this month to help promote proper car maintenance for tire safety for drivers,” said Roy Littlefield, executive vice president of The Tire Industry Association. “TIA takes great pride in making sure that tire safety, training, and education is accessible to everyone for a safer driving experience.”  

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