Bolt On Employee Named Management Award Winner

April 27, 2017

An employee at BOLT ON has been named a recipient of the 2017 Executive Management Award. 

April 27, 2017—Ken Gilliam, operations manager at Bolt On Technology, has been selected by SmartCEO to receive the 2017 Executive Management Award. The Executive Management Awards program recognizes the leadership and accomplishments of Philadelphia’s management all-stars.

“Ken’s been a member of the Bolt on Technology team since the early days when our office space was only 80 square feet and located in the back of a local repair shop,” said Mike Risich, Bolt On Technology's founder and CEO. “Now we are situated comfortably in 18,000 square feet and continuously growing. Ken’s been an instrumental part of this growth and our innovation over the last five years, we are so happy to celebrate this honor with him.”

“Behind every great CEO is a team of smart, driven executives dedicated to ensuring a company’s growth and success. This year’s EMA winners are perfect examples of all-star executives. Not only do they inspire their own teams to achieve greater heights, they also believe deeply in their companies’ missions, are consummate community stewards, and are dedicated to excellence, always,” said Jaime Nespor-Zawmon, president of SmartCEO. “We’re honored to share their stories and celebrate their great accomplishments.”

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