ARIES Automotive Releases New Bumper

April 27, 2017

A new bumper is available from ARIES Automotive. 

April 28, 2017—ARIES Automotive and CUV accessories released the all-new TrailCrusher Jeep Bumper.

The TrailCrusher, available for the front and rear, is about maximizing the functionality of the Jeep Wrangler JK. With it’s one-piece, welded 3/16” thick steel design, it features a weight rating of 12,500 lbs.

The TrailCrusher is designed to be compatible with a number of accessories. The winch mounting platform is equipped with slotted, industry-standard holes to accept most types of winches. The shackle mounts will accept ARIES shackles #2166071 or other shackles with a 7/8 “ diameter pin. The TrailCrusher can also accept a stinger-style angular brush guard #2156050 to help protect the winch.

Both the front and rear TrailCrusher bumpers are built for a vehicle-specific fit on the 2007-2017 Jeep Wrangler JK.

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