DOT Announces New Federal Committee on Automation

Jan. 13, 2017

Jan. 13, 2017—The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced on Thursday the establishment of a new advisory committee focused on automation across a number of modes.

The committee, which includes leading professionals and experts in their field, will hold its first meeting on January 16 to immediately begin work on some of the key issues facing transportation today, including the development and deployment of automated vehicles, and determining the needs of the Department as it continues with its relevant research, policy, and regulations.

As technology develops, automation may play a larger role in a number of modes of transportation, including cars, buses, trains, planes, and UAS (drone) systems. This committee will play a critical role in sharing best practices, challenges, and opportunities in automation, and will open lines of communication so stakeholders can learn and adapt based on feedback from each other.

For a full list of the committee members, visit

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