Advance Auto Parts Chosen as Purchasing Alliance Provider

Jan. 18, 2017

Jan. 18, 2017—U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance announced that it has selected Advance Auto Parts Inc. as its exclusive automotive parts and accessories supplier.

The partnership between Advance and U.S. Communities will extend through December 2019, and signifies an extension and expansion of the benefits and services Advance began providing to U.S. Communities agencies in 2011.

Through their partnership with Advance, U.S. Communities will ensure that more than 55,000 participating government, education, and nonprofit entities throughout the U.S. receive access to automotive products and services.

U.S. Communities participating agencies are eligible for special pricing on parts and accessories for fleet vehicles, as well as more than 600,000 parts available from Advance for light-, medium- and heavy-duty cars and trucks.

Advance will offer instructor-led and web-based technician training programs to participating U.S. Communities agencies, and partner with participating agencies on online parts ordering and customized inventory management solutions. Parts and services are available from Advance, Carquest and Autopart International.

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