Proposed Maine Bill Weakens Safety Inspection Program

Jan. 30, 2017

Jan. 30, 2017— The Automotive Services Association (ASA) on Friday announced its stance on Maine House Bill (HB) 167, which requires all state-registered vehicles to undergo a bi-annual safety inspection. 

The ASA opposes HB 167, because it feels the bill would weaken a program specifically designed to protect the motoring public.

According to the ASA’s Washington, D.C., representative, Bob Redding, “Each year, we see efforts to eliminate or harm vehicle safety inspection programs. Unfortunately, many lawmakers frame the inspection as an unnecessary tax or inconvenience, without regard to the potential harm ineffective brakes or other poorly maintained vehicle equipment can cause the motoring public.”

Redding noted that only 16 states have inspection programs and Maine currently requires an annual safety inspection.

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