AAMCO Adds California and Georgia Locations

Feb. 2, 2017
The company increases competition by expanding its footprint with its 80th location in California and 27th in Georgia.

Feb. 2, 2017—AAMCO Transmissions Inc. announced it has expanded in California (San Marcos) and Georgia (Hiram).

AAMCO of San Marcos marks the brand's 80th location in California, and is owned and operated by local resident and first-time franchisee George Love.

Prior to joining AAMCO, Love spent 36 years in the automotive industry, working in all aspects of the business, including sales, and most recently owned a local car dealership in Southern San Francisco. The former U.S. Marine Corps veteran has lived in the Carlsbad community for more than 30 years and is closely involved in a variety of local charitable organizations.

AAMCO of Hiram marks the brand's 27th location in Georgia, and is owned and operated by local resident and first-time franchisee Mohamed Moutassim.

Prior to purchasing his first franchise, Moutassim served as a senior sales associate at AutoNation for more than 12 years. In addition to his automotive industry experience, the entrepreneur held various sales positions in the electronics and cosmetics industries, which instilled him with a strong passion for customer service.

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