ACA Urges Congress to Stop Border Adjustment Tax

Feb. 2, 2017
The association claims the tax will significantly hurt American consumers and the country's largest employers.

Feb. 3, 2017—The Auto Care Association (ACA) has joined Americans for Affordable Products (AAP), a coalition of businesses and trade associations that represents millions of American jobs, Friday in an effort to stop the Border Adjustment Tax (BAT).

The ACA claims that the BAT, which is a component of the U.S. House Republican tax reform proposal, could hurt American consumers and employers by increasing the cost of everyday products.

AAP is running a national campaign outlining the potential consequences with the goal of mobilize consumers and lawmakers.

 “The Border Adjustment Tax is an immediate threat to economic viability of thousands of small, family-owned businesses in the auto care industry," said Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, ACA. “We have a complex supply chain throughout the country that distributes the right auto part to the right place at the right time, so that the American consumer can keep their vehicle on the road. The effect of the BAT will rapidly be felt by the consumer, and will bring real, downward pressure on growth, planning and employment in the industry.”  
While ACA and AAP oppose the BAT, they recognize the hard work among Members of Congress to reform the tax code and support the overall effort and hope it can be achieved without hurting middle class American families.

ACA represents the entire independent auto repair industry supply chain, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers and service and repair businesses, which employs 4.2 million people.

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