SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service Sold to Grease Monkey

Feb. 6, 2017
With the acquisition, Grease Monkey adds over 100 shops to its 300-plus shop network.

Feb. 6, 2017—TBC Corp. announced it has sold SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service to Grease Monkey.

Grease Monkey International is one of the nation’s largest independent franchisors of automotive fast lube centers, serving more than 2 million customers each year at more than 300 centers currently located in the United States, China and Latin America.

Founded in 1980, SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service is a franchise-based full-service automotive care company with more than 100 shops across the United States in the Gulf Coast, Texas, Mid-Atlantic, California and New England regions.

“This transaction provides outstanding opportunities for all parties involved. TBC was able to monetize an asset and will now reinvest in our core franchise, wholesale and retail businesses. Grease Monkey adds a powerful brand with industry leading operational processes and a strong franchise base and SpeeDee franchisees will now be part of a larger automotive fast lube group, which will allow them to draw on a focused set of resources to drive growth,” said Erik Olsen, president, CEO and chairman of the board of TBC Corp. “Grease Monkey’s focus on the full service oil change business will assist SpeeDee with growth opportunities as the company is well-positioned to invest capital in the brand.”

Olsen added, “TBC appreciated the opportunity to be the steward of the SpeeDee brand over the past four years and commend the franchisees for their commitment to the brand and operational excellence. Our franchise group has the opportunity to increase focus on Midas and Big O Tires as we continue to support our franchisees with these industry-leading brands.”

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