Tenneco Appoints New CEO

Feb. 6, 2017
Kesseler succeeds Gregg Sherrill, who has served as chairman and CEO since January 2007.

Feb. 6, 2017—Tenneco Inc. announced its board of directors has approved the appointment of Brian Kesseler as the company’s new chief executive officer.

Brian Kesseler joined Tenneco in January 2015 as chief operating officer. He also serves as a member of the Tenneco board of directors. Prior to joining Tenneco, he was president of Johnson Controls Power Solutions, a role he assumed in 2013. Kesseler joined Johnson Controls in 1994 and served in leadership roles in the company’s "Automotive Experience" and "Building Efficiency" divisions. He began his manufacturing career with Ford Motor Company.

Kesseler succeeds Gregg Sherrill, who has been serving as chairman and CEO since January 2007. Sherrill will continue his tenure with Tenneco as executive chairman. These changes are effective May 17, 2017, concurrent with the company’s annual meeting of stockholders.

Under Sherrill’s 10 years of leadership, Tenneco has delivered revenue growth twice that of industry volume growth, margin expansion of 55 percent and annual adjusted EPS growth of percent.

“Gregg has been an outstanding chief executive officer. He set a vision and strategic direction that has delivered profitable growth and positions Tenneco for continued success,” said Paul Stecko, lead director, Tenneco board of directors. “Although Gregg has decided to transition out of the CEO role, we look forward to his continued leadership as executive chairman.”

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